Age: 45 Initial Weight: 322 pounds Health Conditions: Diabetes and Obesity


Hannah struggled with diabetes and obesity. Her condition required daily insulin shots to manage her diabetes. At 322 pounds, she found it increasingly difficult to undertake basic physical activities. This created a vicious cycle where her sedentary lifestyle further exacerbated her health issues.


Hannah reached out to Dr. Gina, a well-renowned holistic health coach. Dr. Gina started by conducting an in-depth consultation, assessing Hannah's lifestyle, eating habits, health conditions, and personal goals. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, Dr. Gina developed a customized, holistic health plan.

This plan included:

  1. A balanced, nutritious diet designed specifically to control blood sugar levels and promote weight loss.

  2. A gradual introduction of physical activities tailored to Hannah's fitness level.

  3. Lifestyle modifications to cultivate healthier habits and a positive mindset.

The Outcome

After six months of consistently following the program, Hannah experienced significant improvements in her health:

  1. She lost a total of 104 pounds, significantly reducing her BMI and moving her out of the obese category.

  2. Remarkably, her diabetes was under control, eliminating the need for daily insulin shots.

  3. She started exercising four days a week, demonstrating a positive shift in her attitude toward physical activity.


Hannah's journey illustrates the efficacy of Dr. Gina's holistic approach to health and wellness. By considering Hannah's unique circumstances and needs, Dr. Gina was able to curate a program that not only resulted in significant weight loss and diabetes management but also fostered a profound shift in Hannah's lifestyle and mentality.

Hannah's success story serves as an inspiration and a testament to Dr. Gina's approach. It shows that with the right guidance, support, and commitment, overcoming health obstacles and achieving a healthier, happier life is not only possible but entirely within reach.

This case study underscores the importance of holistic, individualized health plans for managing complex health issues like diabetes and obesity.



