Individual Coaching

$ 250

One single individual session of health coaching. Comes with full health assessment and follow up email with self-paced guides and instructions.

6 Month Coaching


3 Month Coaching


Includes full health assessment including labs. 6 accountability calls and meal tracking. Nutritional guidance, customized meal plans. Exercise plan

Includes everything in the 3 month package, plus supplement guidance, stress management techniques, progress tracking , transition & maintenance plan

Meal Planning Subscription $ 480

Have ready to make meal plans at your finger tips with my yearly subscription service meal planning guides. Recipes and shopping list for every type of food, health issue or diet plan available all year.

Pantry Makeover


Receive a full pantry makeover either virtual or in person where I tour your pantry and help you throw out bad and toxic items and replace with healthy options.

One Month Group Nutrition $250

One month of group nutrition classes includes online community and support. Full assessment for each member. Great way to hold each other accountable and meet new friends.

3-Month GROUP nutrition $4,500

My three month group nutrition program includes everything in the one month, plus you also receive exercise and herbal prescriptions to optimize your health. Free yearly subscription to meal planning service, 3 virtual cooking classes and one two day retreat. $9,000 value